Detroit Lake 07/02/11 & 07/03/11
Detroit Lake 07/02/11 & 07/03/11
So if you know anything about Detroit Lake this is the busiest weekend of the year lot’s of boats every camp spot is full even the camp spot that aren’t camp spots on the side of the road are full. In other words not the best weekend on the calendar to try your luck at kokanee fishing. After last weekend I knew there was some nice kok’s in the lake and since I’m the kokaneekid and that is all I think about 24/7 you know I’m going to get a few. Day one which has more boat traffic than you can even imagine was really productive I got up at 5:00am and headed for the Kenny Creek arm thinking I could scratch out a dinner or two. We ended up with six nice kok’s but lost around 13, I hate to say it but not having my wife on the boat really hurts in the fish count. My buddy at the lake came down to the same area after I called him and told him I had four on the boat. He ended the day with 7 nice kok’s. There was a east wind that day so that end of the lake was really calm and no boat traffic Jerry kept getting phone calls about the generator not working so we had to go back around 10:00am, Note to myself this is the number one reason I don’t have a cell phone. I think I could have got 3 limits if we didn’t head back so early and if I had my wife on the boat. I gave her a really bad time when I got back to camp. All fish caught on an orange Spin & Glow with mylar wings & UV Shasta Tackle sling blade with the same flavor corn I used last week. We did pick up some really nice rainbows two of them right around 14 inches and FAT.
This Rainbow went back in the lake unharmed… I’m going to make Jerry eat his Rainbow while I’m having Kokanee…
We hooked one too bad and we had to keep it I told Jerry that my dad says every rainbow you keep on your boat you have to subtract five kok’s so if my dad was counting fish I only got one kok on Saturday. My buddy said he got most of his on Apexes with a sling blade so I had my plan for the next morning make my wife go with me and use a few silver Apexes in the mix.
The fireworks were great and we had a blast, but my mind was set for getting up early and catching some more kok’s. I woke up at 4:30am way before all the people who drank too much even where thinking about getting up, and probably woke most of them up when I started my Jet Boat up at 5:00. Ok here is the good news with my wife in the boat I didn’t lose a kokanee, bad news is we only hooked 7 on Sunday, and with the normally BIG TIME west wind at Detroit we ended the day at 9:30am. Five fish caught on silver apex, one caught on Orange Spin & Glow with mylar wings, and one caught on a Orange wiggle hoochie. We used a fifteen foot setback both days and fish were being caught from 70 to 50 feet most at 65 speed was 1.4mph. My buddy only got 3 kok’s on Sunday but we were both happy with the size of the kok’s and the quality of the meat is phenomenal, “RED RED”, plus the kok’s are crazy at Detroit they go ballistic when hooked so good luck if you a fishing by yourself I would bring a good netter if you are planning on making a run of it.
I think I’m going to make another go at it in two weeks and then I need to start thinking about the Wickiup Kokanee Power of Oregon Derby. Don’t forget if you need more information feel free to contact me I’m here to put “KOKANEE” in your boat.
I can’t believe this is DETROIT LAKE
A nice present on the 4th of July weekend!!!!
All and All a great weekend of kokanee fishing with not much time or effort put into it.
Fish On kokaneekid